Our Vision: Inspire everyone to achieve their very best and nurture a love of learning and life.
We will achieve this by:
- Providing a stimulating, exciting, challenging and engaging curriculum.
- Providing a safe and secure learning environment that enables children to develop independence and confidence in all that they undertake.
- Providing a positive ethos of support, praise and encouragement.
- Valuing everybody and respecting individuality.
- Having consistently high expectations in all we do.
- Helping children develop a social, moral and spiritual awareness so they become caring and responsible members of the school and the wider community.
- Ensuring that everyone feels safe and secure in the school environment.
- Ensuring that everyone is welcomed into the school and shows respect towards each other.
- Encouraging everyone to do their very best in everything they do at all times.
- Developing a sense of pride in everything we do.
- Taking care of and supporting the needs of every child.
- Inspiring children to be curious and inquisitive learners and giving them the skills, knowledge and attitudes to be successful learners.
- Promoting the well being of everyone in the school so that they are happy and confident in all they do.